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What is Android TV: Simply put, Android TV is designed to bring the sorts of things you enjoy on your phone to your TV. That doesn't mean you'll be taking calls through your TV or trawling through emails, but it's about ease of navigation, access to entertainment and simple interactivity. It's about making your TV smart and doing it with an interface that's recognizable and easy to use. |
What is Android TV box : An Android TV box is simply a TV box running the Android operating system. This is the same operating system as the one running on your smartphone, tablet and millions of other devices throughout the world. |
An Android Box will turn any TV into a Smart TV where you can stream media content. However, Smart TV has everything because you only need to connect to an internet and are able to stream media content. The difference is, Smart TV has various features and therefore is expensive. Whereas, Android Box will have a large app library and will cost lower than a Smart TV. |
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